Tag Archives: Paris Hilton

Kick Ass

13 May

 So i shall attempt no i will give you all my answer to The 30 Film task. I promise !

Any film fanatic will understand that this is a hard task. I love that many film lets hope we find homes for them. Let’s do this.

01 – your favorite film —  i will answer this last.

02 – your least favorite film —

Kick Ass, right well if you read my blog. You will understand that i hate Nicolas Cage. He really bugs me, i think it’s his face it’s plastic looking. Yukk. So this is my least favorite film because the acting was crap on his behalf. I love Aaron Johnson. But hate this film.


Dave Lizewski: Jesus, guys, doesn’t it bug you? Like thousand of people wanna be Paris Hilton and nobody wants to be Spiderman.
Marty: Yeah, what’s with that? She has like no tits at all.
Todd: Maybe it’s the porn tape, he doesn’t have a porn tape.
Marty: You guys never saw “One Night In Spiderman”?

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