Tag Archives: Valentines Day

Valentines Day ?

28 Jan
An array of Valentine's Day-connotated candy d...

Image via Wikipedia

Right I was doing my daily ritual, and checking out NME websites and HMV new releases.

For shizzle? Is what came to mind.

February 14th, is meant to be a day for love and happiness for you and your love one. What a lot of vomit, my finger almost turned on me and pulled my eyes out my sockets when writing that ‘lovey dovey’ crap.

Februaru 14th, is another excuse for getting a present that you didn’t get for Christmas or that you really need. It’s handy. The only other reason that everyone in a relationship loves Valentine’s Day, is you get to have kinky sex.

Don’t laugh i’m being serious. Sex as you know it when your seeing someone is amazing but Valentines Day sex is a different level of sex. So lovers enjoy.

But the reason I’m blogging is to channel this eye-scrathing, twitching feeling I just received. What the hell are these !


Love CD's, who would listen to this!

So I thought, breath woman, its one CD no need to get pills out, but even Clubland has started it,

What the Hell


So seriously please leave me a comment and your address if you buy this i will bring the knife and happily put you out of your misery, it’s sad and pathetic. I will be smiling whilst ripping your ears off.

Ok im fine now.

And finally, if anyone even dare to buy there boyfriend a love heart shaped pillow, I hope the suffocate you with it.

For any shopping advice on what a good Valentines present is, try my good friend Ann Summer, she might whip your ass into gear.